Saturday, January 14, 2012


I think everyone would agree that all the animals on the Hart farm have a pretty good life. John, the owner of the farm is known for his soft heart and his willingness to take in any kind of animal that people drop off, or abandoned on the farm. Over the years, I’ve seen a variety of creatures come up the driveway needing a new home. A buffalo, llama, an ostrich, peacocks, pigs, sheep, a turkey with one leg, countless goats, kittens and dogs, are some of the orphans that have found a permanent residence thanks to John’s kindness.

The day that sticks out in my mind the most, however, is the day a lady drove up towing a cow on a trailer that was definitely not meant for hauling cows. It resembled a float you might see in a parade. I stood there wondering a couple of things. Just how did she get that cow on her version of a trailer, and how many accidents did she cause driving to the farm. I was certain most every driver she passed had their head swivel around backwards to make sure they really saw what they thought they saw.

With tears running down her face she explained to John that a few months earlier, she decided to turn her land into a cattle farm. After purchasing her first cow, though, and keeping him on her farm for a while, she realized she would never be able to sell him for butchering. Without much hesitation, John caved in and took the cow off her hands. This is how John became known as a cow rescuer. It’s astonishing to think that there was more than one person in New Jersey that year who thought they were going to be cattle farmers, but never thought of the eventual selling for butchering part. Within a few months John had to plow down two acres of soybean crops to make room for his growing herd of cows. Obviously John doesn’t like the selling for butchering part either.

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