Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Farm Preservation"

This is an article that talks about how the governor of NJ signed for additional money to protect preserved farmland. Our farm has been a part of the preserved farmland initiative for several years. There is a giant sign out on the front of the driveway that clearly states it is preserved farmland, however, this doesn't deter hungry contractors and builders from making an attempt to buy it for development. The farm not only has sentimental value to me, but there's a whole eco-system that it supports. At lot of creatures depend on the farm,from the smallest farm animal to the hungry human at the end of the food chain, losing the farm would literally mean losing lives. It may not look very attractive to most people, but to me and almost everyone who has been at the farm, understands it for it's complicated nature and true beauty . After a snowfall, its beautiful to see the fresh snow blanketing the pastures,and covering the crops. The animals seem to come out of hibernation and play like children in it. Without the acts of preservation steadily in place, not only could the simple fun things be taken away, but the inner beauty of what the farm does would be gone forever, replaced by rows of boring cookie cutter homes. CLICK HERE

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